Halloween 2007 – The Story

Last year I got this brilliant idea that we would all go trick or treating as a theme.  To back up, we all dress up every year. My husband balks at this but he goes along with it since his motto is “If mama ain’t happy, no one is”. I have never NOT dressed up in all of my 33 years and I don’t plan on stopping at any point in time. I will probably spearhead wheelchair decorating in the retirement home when I am 90 years old. Ok so now I am going off topic.

We discussed what themes we would go as and finally selected Vampires since I could use my renaissance faire garb (I used to be in one here in town before it fell apart). I am always looking at how to do costumes cheaply. I mean really, for something to wear one night should not cost $50! I have a couple of pricey things I have purchased at the costume shops but I have been able to reuse them. Not as easy with kids. Especially since my son cannot use any of the ones his sisters have worn. So anyway…we were vampires. My only problem  was when I tried to get my teeth to fit. For whatever reason I couldn’t get the glue to work properly. I was pissed! So I decided, well I willbe a victim and slathered on some blood onto my neck. We proceed to load up the car to head to some fun neighborhoods.

I don’t know how trick or treating is around any of you all. When I grew up ( I didn’t grow up here) I stayed in my own neighborhood and very few (maybe 1 out of 20) did not participate. Many of them did haunted paths up to their door and whatnot. It was so much fun! Sadly around here Halloween is perceived as an “evil” night. So the fundamentalists go to church for Fall Festivals and then other people hit the mall to trick or treat. We did that ONCE and I swore never again. After talking to many parents, and scaring half of them, I finally found out there were neighborhoods that got into the holiday. My husbands old neighorhood does and even one family hosts a haunted house that you have to go through before you can get your candy. HAHAHAHA that was alot of fun! Another neighborhood is out east of us and is jam packed with people who treat the holiday like the way I remember it. The decorations that some people do are just amazing! We had made a habit to hit my husbands old neighborhood but last year we decided to do the other neighborhood in addition. The kids had an amazing and very exhausting time lol. My son was 2 last year and learned just how scary some of the costumes can be. One guy did an excellent job dressed as Jason Vorhees. Alex took one look and screamed his little head off. The guy felt so terrible he kept apologizing. Since he spent so much time with makeup he couldn’t exactly take off the mask to show him that he was normal. So he changed his walking route so that he wouldn’t run into us again. I think he did that though after we both heard a woman start talking very loudly about how people need to stop dressing so scary cause of the little ones. I couldn’t stop myself from very loudly telling the guy not to worry about, that is what Halloween was all about and that my son would NOT suffer major trauma and need therapy in 20 years. Anyway, it didn’t make for a bad night. Hell, I doubt my son even remembers that costume!

This year we are not doing a theme but Molly and Alex are rewearing their costumes from last year (thankfully they still fit). I think Molly will go more the Zombie route than Vampire, but we will see. Alex doesn’t care, he just wants candy lol. Claire is being more imaginative and wants to use her old cheer outfit to be a Zombie Cheerleader. I think I am going the Zombie Bellydancer route, hubby is going to wear his black robe and old wrinkled man mask and kind of hide in the hood .

Just 20 days until our party and 26 days until Samhain/Halloween!

~ by alegna75 on October 5, 2008.